Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Image result for breakfast at tiffany's book
Contributed by Amelia, gr. 12, Jan. 2019

Set in 1940’s New York City, Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a novella which follows the relationship shared between the narrator (whom is never named) and a young, charming woman named Holly Golightly. 

The entire story is told through a flashback, in which the narrator recounts the start and the end of their friendship. Through this flashback, the reader is made to witness Holly’s strive for lavishness and social status, living her life by hanging around billionaires and politicians.

 Because of Holly’s wild and carefree personality, the novel constantly has an air of excitement. While I believe that this novella is a quick and easy read that can be suited for any age range, I this novella may not appeal to readers  be for those who enjoy genres such science fiction, since as it lacks in  elements of adventure and action. 

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