Contributed by Dawson, gr. 12, Jan. 2019

I enjoyed Fifteen Dogs because of its unexpectedly mature subject matter which truthfully - and in harsh detail - describes events from many different points of view.
This short fiction novel is set in and around
modern day Toronto and Lake Ontario which plays out around a godly bet --
whether or not fifteen canine souls at the dog pound, will achieve a full life
of happiness and fulfilment if given human consciousness.
This book appealed to me because of its point of
view; it is narrated from the dogs’ perspective, providing interesting take on
the language/culture of animals and on a philosophical question about life. Due
to its content and characters, this book contains some sensitive content and
describes scenes of violence and suspense as well as language which is commonly
undignified, although it is used effectively and only when needed for emphasis.
I would personally recommend this book to mature
students in grades 11 to 12 who are effective, thoughtful readers and are
willing to stop every chapter or so to reflect on the material. Fifteen Dogs
is a refreshing book for anyone who finds themselves bored or unengaged in
longer, more traditional novels.
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