Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Contributed by Becca, gr. 12, Jan. 2019 

Image result for 1984 orwell
This novel is among the best books I’ve read. It takes place in a dystopian society called Oceania which is  run by a dictator called Big Brother. 

In this totalitarian society, freedom does not exist; telescreens and secret police are everywhere to watch and control the thoughts and actions of citizens. Citizens are told that “Big Brother is always watching you.” However, only a minority of citizens are aware of this reality, including Winston Smith - the central character of the novel. The plot follows his journey to find freedom from Big Brother. 

Although the mood and atmosphere of this novel are gloomy and tragic, the story and the dystopian society built by George Orwell are exceptionally interesting. Indeed, it washard for me to stop reading once I got lost in the life of Winston Smith. Therefore, I would recommend this novel to any reader who is interested in dystopian novels.    

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