Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Image result for siddhartha bookContributed by Amelia, gr. 12, Jan. 2019

Set in various small gardens, forests, and towns in ancient India, Siddhartha is a story that follows the spiritual journey of a man in search for self- actualization. Siddhartha— the main character— is the son of a Brahmin, and
though he excels almost effortlessly in all of the teachings that the Brahmins offer, he finds himself dissatisfied with his circumstances.

The story begins  when Siddhartha decides to leave his home in order to join Samana’s. From this point, the reader is made to witness his trials and tribulations of friendship, lust, wealth, material indulgences, loss of identity, parental troubles, old age, and finally: enlightenment.

Personally, I think that Siddhartha is a novel that readers should try at some point in their life. Its message is profoundly deep, as it touches on many important themes  topics such as identify and self-actualization.

With enlightenment as the primary focus, this book would be best suited for those interested in learning about spirituality and religion.

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